Recent estimates suggest that 22 veterans may die by suicide each day in the United States.
Charlie 22 Outdoors was created to hopefully assist in making that number 0.
Charlie 22 has a mission to provide outdoor activities to our Nation’s Veterans, and their families, with the goal of showing them there is hope, love, and personal meaning in God’s Grace.
Charlie 22 believes if they can spare one life from suicide, then their mission and purpose is worth it.

In 2018, Little Flat Creek Ranch, and Charlie 22 Outdoors teamed up, and began providing Hunting Trips, Fishing Trips, and Outdoor Retreats to our Nation’s Veterans, and their families.
From 2018 to 2023, there have been approximately 60 Charlie 22 Events take place at Little Flat Creek Ranch.
These events vary from one Veteran attending to some events hosting over 40 Veterans at one time. We have been able to host anything from Fishing Derby’s and Whitetail and Turkey Hunting to weekend Women’s Retreats.
We are beyond grateful for our relationship with Charlie 22 Outdoors, and look forward to all of the events in the coming future.
When Charlie 22 Outdoors sends a Veteran(s) and their families to Little Flat Creek Ranch, there is no cost to Charlie 22, or the Veteran, for the use of facilities, hunting, fishing, and/or meat processing. This is payed for, in full, by the LFCR Dream Foundation, and made possible by our amazing partners and sponsors that are so beyond generous. If you would like to learn more about Charlie 22 Outdoors, please visit their website charlie22outdoors.com

Here’s how you can help.
All of these charitable trips are payed for by the LFCR Dream Foundation, a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization. This is made possible by the amazing Partners and Sponsors that constantly support us and our mission. If you would like to learn more about becoming a sponsor or donating, please take a moment to send us your information and we will get back with you as soon as possible. Thank you so much for your kindness.